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In the summer of 2021, Jeff was asked to play a show with the Rapid Waters Band out of Gallatin, TN as their bassist was out of town for the scheduled show. Jeff knew Kelly Emerson (the lead guitarist for RWB) since Jeff arrived in Nashville years ago, and the two had Jammed together and worked on studio projects together many times.
The Wednesday evening before the show, Jeff arrived at practice where he met lead singer and rhythm guitarist Jeff "Frozack" Baskerville and drummer Russ "Binny" Binstock. Jeff had never played music with either of these two experinced musicians, but it was evidence after the four hour practice that this band would make waves in the Nashville music scene.
At the show, the band was tight right out of the gate, and at the first break, the fans of the band were raining compliments on it. The show was a huge success, and Jeff was amazed at how amazing the sound was considering these musicians had only played together one time.
Frozack called Jeff about a week later and asked if he would be interested in starting a new band with the guys that played the show. Jeff was excited as he knew the caliber of players involved and how awesome the show was. Jeff agreed and the Rock City Cowboys band was born.
Click on the Videos page above to see some videos of the Rock City Cowboys at a show they played recently in Nashville.

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